All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Oil Crops continues to strengthen cooperation relations with the Republic of Uzbekistan.
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Oil Crops continues to strengthen cooperation relations with the Republic of Uzbekistan.

All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Oil Crops continues to strengthen cooperation relations with the Republic of Uzbekistan.

A delegation consisting of O. Amanov, director of the Southern Agricultural Scientific Research Institute, professor of the institute Amir Amanov and adviser to the governor of Kashkadarya region Shadiyar Khojanazarov, visited this center. Honorary guests were welcomed by Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Konstantin Georgievich Babloyev, acting as the director of the All-Russian Institute of Oilseeds.

The parties discussed promising directions of cooperation on the selection of sunflower varieties and hybrids, soybean varieties, rapeseed, oilseed rape, as well as environmentally friendly technologies for the cultivation of oilseeds, expanding the geography of oilseeds in Uzbekistan, and conducting testing.

This is the second visit of representatives of Uzbekistan to ARSRSRI. In July, the center was visited by the governor of Syrdarya region and a large delegation of representatives of the All-Russian Oil Crops SRI.